Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grail 2

2) The grail precession deals alot with mystery for many reasons. First of all, few know of an actual holy grail and this one is to symbolize Perceval's entire quest. He is immediately curious about the grail and does not know of the maiden carrying it. The meal is presented as one of the best ever, full of tons of food and merry talks along with great fruit and even better wine. Again this symbolizes the intensity and honor the quest for the grail entails.
3) I think the face of Blancheflor is vivid in Percevals mind even if it is only contained in three drops of blood. The white flower obviously being the snow that surrounds the blood, and Perceval can not draw his attention away from it. I feel that the blood symbolizes doom in her case and possibly his own. Blood is always connected with death and Perceval has very little idea of what is in store for him. The red blood may also symbolize passion as red is the color of love. His burning desire for the quest may bleed into Blancheflor.

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