Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the decameron-2

2.5- Andreuccio is easily persuaded in the text, his arrogant behavior leads him into his first trap while his faith in others leads him to his second. By the third event he is more cunning and at the very least holds a profit for himself. The repetition is evident in that each time he is tricked by the words of others, however he gains knowledge and figures out that he is capable of trickery himself. For example on his final trial he steals the ring for himself, and although locked in the tomb he is a very rich man. I feel that the text is teaching us to learn from our mistakes, and to protect ourselves from being tricked by always being on our guard.
2.6- I feel that the text does not reveal a whole lot more than we as humans already know about our race. The love and affection a mother has for her children does not wither as her mind and body does. She protects her son after a certain death occurs when he is caught sleeping with the kings daughter. Although the mother is found on the island she never loses faith in her sons and in the end the king shows mercy as well as smarts for his own wealth and everybody lives happily ever after.
3.1- The muteness shown by the man is of an extremely shallower basis. He is a smart man that knows he can easily trick the so-called cunning nuns by pretending he can neither speak nor hear anything they do or say. In this way he gets many young women to denounce their vows and make love to him each and every night. The difference his is a falsehood that the man creates, he is neither deaf nor dumb and in this way does not use his lack of speech as the woman does. He is completely confident in his plan and does not see the muteness as a handicap

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