Sunday, September 20, 2009

last of Erec

1) I feel that the relationship between Erec and Enide does change dramatically. Although the test was unfair his wife never strays from Erec's wishes, she truly loves him and denounces the count several times. She also mourns his supposed death appropriately and we find that everything in her previous monologues was true, she did everything in her power for Erec. I feel that Erec tested Enide because he could not decide if her love was as obedient as he preferred, she constantly defied his wishes, something that he saw to be a lack of love. Everything is in perfect harmony after his test is completed and the count was killed.
3) The Joy was simply the final excursion Erec was upon before settling down for two to three years. The actual fight was made to be a major battle between one of the best Knights in the land, and the secrecy added to the suspense of the match. However as a reader it was evident that the major build up was put in place to solidify Erec as the best Knight ever. The theme has been the same throughout the story, one of a truly great Knight helping others, even if at first he set out merely to gain the Joy of the Court for himself. He ends up freeing an extremely grateful Knight and life is again harmonious.

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